This page was last updated: February 1, 2009
Speaking about "The Secret" & Christianity at the Girlfriends Getaway Weekend sponsored by "Average Girl " Magazine.
Paula Quick Links
WATKINS (Gourmet flavorings, natural apothecary, plant-based body and home care products)
Laga Handbags (Hand-embroidered handbags to support the Indonesian tsunami victims)
Youngevity (Supplements, mineral makeup, wine, Suzanne Somers products & more)
Life Coach, Holistic Business Strategist, Reflexologist
Call 1-888-364-9529 for complimentary consultation
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e-book "The Astonishing Power of Graitude."

Welcome to ministry known as Quick Works Wellness, a body, mind and spirit lifestyle company dedicated to working with individuals from the inside out and from head to toe. My mission is to bring people closer to God through the gifts God has given to me, namely Reflexology and Holistic Entrepreneur Coaching.
I am certified in a number of areas, including Aromatherapy, Feng Shui and Emotional Freedom & Healing,. All of these come into play when I am working with an individual, so that when you work with me you are literally getting a full menu of services to choose from. They are all interrelated in that they are designed to help you live your life to the fullest and to walk in God's purpose for you. I specialize in the Christian entrepreneur (faithpreneur) who has stepped out completely in faith to start their business as well as people who find themselves having to make lemonade out of lemons!
Just know that I am here to help you go from ambiguity to clarity, from struggle to victory so that you can live the prosperous life that you deserve (and look good and feel good in the process). P.N.Q.
Click here to hear LIVE interview of Paula Quick on Talk Shoe's "Inside God's Best."